Energy Magick Mystic South 2024 Workshop
© 2024 Mark NeCamp Jr
What is Energy in Magick?
The Energy in magick is the chi or qi of martial arts, the spiritual energy of Reiki, the energy of the astral body, and the emotional energy that fuels all spell work. By learning how to sense and manipulate this energy directly, all of our magick is more effective.
How Does Energy Move?
Energy moves and is manipulated by:
- Attention- Your ability to perceive it.
- Imagination- Your ability to conceive it.
- Intention- Your ability to shape it by thought and emotion.
- Will- Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem, and sheer stubbornness.
Book Exercise:
Exercise #1: Energy Ball (modified for groups)
Techniques to Attune and Harness Energy
- Cycling Energy between Heaven & Earth- using the spectrum of Spirit and Matter
- Closed cycling- Energy within
- Cycling with Living Things/Natural Forces- Using Nature or other dynamic forces
Book Exercises:
Exercise #3: Connecting with Earth and Sky
Exercise #4: Closed Cycling
Sigils and Energy
Sigils are mystical symbols that can have inherent energy based on repeated usage or mystical experience. We can use them to direct and focus our energy and intent.
Elemental Sigils to be Used:
Book Exercise:
Exercise #33: Feeling the Pentacle (modified for elemental energies)
Exercise #34: Implanting… (modified for elemental energies)
Exercise #35: Visualizing and Cycling Sigil Energy… (modified for elemental energies)
Thoughtforms are in general artificial magickal constructs. Servitors are thoughtforms created for specific uses and function as “artificial ghosts” or “living spells”.
Elements of a Thoughtform:
- Intent- What is the magickal purpose?
- Timeframe- How long is it needed?
- Energy Source- How is it going to get the energy it needs?
- Place- What is the location it will function at or within?
- Destruction- How will it be destroyed when done?
- Upkeep- How do you take care of long term thoughtforms?
Book Exercise:
Exercise #65: Making a Thought Form Guardian (modified)
Banishing is purposely getting rid of a specific energy or entity. It can be achieved through one of the following techniques, or they can be combined:
- Tone- Using sound or vibration.
- Sigil- Using magickal symbols.
- Gesture- Using physical action or motion.
Book Exercises:
Exercise #41: Banishment by Word or Tone
Exercise #42: Banishment by Sigil
Exercise #43: Banishment by Tone and Gesture
Energy Magick Spell Techniques:
The Magickal Dart
The Energetic Poppet
Candle Magick and Energy