Mark NeCamp, Jr. is a writer, poet, teacher, public speaker, entrepreneur, spiritual alchemist, and modern day student and practitioner of the Art. He teaches classes using magick as a tool for personal growth. He is passionate for how we each can, through the alchemical process, turn our spiritual lead into gold as individuals and as a global community. Skilled in Western magick and Eastern thought, he weaves together a global approach to magick that seeks to create harmony and balance while pursuing personal growth.

He has led many community groups in the Midwest; and taught at events such as Pagan Unity Festival, ConVocation, Starwood, Paganicon and many others. He is the author of the book Energy Magick, by Moon Books Publishing.

Aside from his strong background in sales and marketing, he has worked with many grassroots organizations for change, been on the board of directors of a wildlife sanctuary, and is the executive director of The Invisible College- a non-profit created to support the Pagan, Heathen, Witchcraft, and Occult communities through the creation of social, financial and educational resources. Ten percent of all of his book royalties go to the Invisible College with half of that going directly to women’s shelters, circles, and other non-profits directly affecting the health, well being and support of women.

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